Through My Lens..... "Pay Attention, Be Astonished, Tell About It" ~ Mary Oliver
A Swan's Perpective

Personal Favourites

It’s a gift to see and photograph each individual. Sometimes, things seem a little more special….

A Swan's Perpective

A Swan's Perpective

Father Trumpeter Swan….K09 to the biologists, is a most protective yet generous guardian. I would take my chair, set up my gear and visit with him and his family. Sitting quietly, I was able to remain close to them, acknowledging the privilege I was afforded. The Swans, when relaxed spend a great deal of time preening their beautiful feathers.

I had my lens focussed on father, when I saw this image… a magical moment, peering under his strong wing, deep into the depths of his soft feathers.

How do they see us? What do you think they see…from a Swan’s Perspective?

 "The Bluebird Carries the Sky on His Back" ~ Henry David Thoreau

"The Bluebird Carries the Sky on His Back" ~ Henry David Thoreau

This male Eastern Bluebird was doing several flybys and displaying courting behaviour. Clearly, he and his mate had established a nest box, yet the courtship continued. As he glances at his mate, blue iridescent feathers gleam in the early morning sun.

Gliding with Perfection

Gliding with Perfection

This young Great Blue heron had it’s favourite fishing hole. Having caught many a fish here, and viewed by many passers by, it hadn’t developed a real fear of humans at this young age.

To sit still, watch it preen feathers, look for and catch fish and other creatures was a special gift.

Portrait of a Fisherman

Portrait of a Fisherman

In the early morning, this young Great Blue Heron patiently waits, eyeing the water for its next meal. Although quite young, it was very adept, coming up with a substantial morsel with every strike.



Snowy Owls enjoy the privilege of being high on the predator/prey list. This however, doesn’t deter other species from harassing them.

This Snowy was trying to nap, when a Crow happened along, and began harassing it. After several moments of screaming at the Crow, the Owl moved off to a more peaceful roost.

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Dutchman's Breeches

Dutchman's Breeches

Someone once sent me a photo of a “Dutchman’s Breeches” flower, asking me for identification. I knew about this flower, and had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to drive to Muskoka to see this lovely plant.

Then one day as it usually happens, looking for one thing, you find another. A beautiful clump of these tiny, cheerful white flowers was blooming quietly along a backroad in Sarawak township. I was ecstatic.

Shimmering white pantaloon flowers, several blooms along one stem makes one wonder how many pantaloons does a Dutchman need?

Just For You

Just For You

A delicate dance, courtship behaviour is fascinating to observe. The male has his behaviours and flight patterns to delight her, and often he presents her with a gift….a bug or another delicacy of some sort.

I’m sure there are biologically sound reasons for these behaviours, but the tenderness one senses at times, leads me to believe there is more connection and communication occurring than we credit them with.

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Wee Wilson's Snipe

Wee Wilson's Snipe

These tiny souls were crossing the road, as I happened upon them. Their parent was in the brush alongside the road’s shoulder, feigning a broken wing. Poor thing had no way of knowing my intent was to shoo their offspring to the opposite side of the road to safety.

Upon hatching, these tiny birds are able to run about and feed themselves. Their feet are disproportionately large and even so, they scamper about so nimbly.

Nodding Trillium

Nodding Trillium

Several varieties of Trillium grace the floor of moist, rich deciduous and mixed forests in Ontario. The White Trillium has been the provincial flower of Ontario since 1937. Blooming in the cool, early spring, we know summer is not far when they wilt as the sun warms the forests.

I find the Nodding Trillium to be the most graceful flower… their crisp white petals and three sepals nod below a whorl of leaves. One must crouch to ground level to see their lovely faces…..

Hunkered Down

Hunkered Down

The winter has seemed endless, as have the cloudy skies and windy days.

While travelling the back roads in whiteout conditions, I saw a dark bird like silhouette between squalls, sitting on the hard packed snow. My first impulse is it was an unfortunate Robin, arriving in the storm. Inspection through binoculars revealed yet another artifact…some sort of stick, buried in the snow. it was then I saw this Mute Swan, hunkered down against the squalls. Facing the prevailing winds, she nestled her head under her wing into downy feathers. Her mate, not too far away, was doing the same thing.

The beauty of the wild things surpassed only by their ability to survive in the most difficult of conditions.

The Sun's Promise

The Sun's Promise

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Winter has blanketed us with plenty of snow. The Sun marches northward bringing warmth and Spring.

In just a few weeks, possibly a few days, the landscape will be transformed.

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Pensive Musician

Pensive Musician

This is one of my favourite photos because I’m very uncomfortable taking photos of people. I feel as if I’m invading their space somehow. I was asked by my friend to take photos of their band while playing at a 2019 New Years gig.

I captured this moment. The thing I like about this is, is that it captures Pete’s personality. A kind, generous, thoughtful person, Pete is loved by many. I see those qualities on this portrait. Thank for the opportunity, Pete.

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